Liu Dalin, Shanghai (China):
Latest Research on Homosexuality in China
In the pre-conference program the "Chinese Kinsey", as Prof. Liu has been called, reports on "Homosexuality in Modern China". - In the official conference program he will elaborate on this topic and present some of the latest findings of his research.
About the Author:
Prof. Dalin Liu, born in 1932, Shanghai, China, graduated in 1953 from the Journalism Dept. of Beijing University. He has been a military officer in the Chinese Air Force for twenty years. After that, he began to study sociology and sexology at Shanghai University Arts College. He has arranged the first workshop, the first association, the first journal on sexology in China. From 1989-1990, he conducted a nation-wide sex survey with 20.000 questionaires. Against enormous difficulties he also organized a homosexual survey which is unprecedented in China. He has published 41 books about sociology, psychology and sexology, and he organized the first international conference on sexology in China: the "1992 Shanghai Conference of Sexology". In 1994 he was awarded the DGSS Magnus-Hirschfeld-Medal for Outstanding Contributions to Sexual Science. - Address: Prof. Liu Dalin, Shanghai Sex Sociology Research Center, 574 Xi Jiang Wan Road, Shanghai, China. - Fax: +86 21 628 30 747