
Cassandra Renzi, Toni Furbringer-Long, Ormond Beach, FL (U.S.A.):

Personality Characteristics of Sex Offenders

This workshop will discuss the feasibility of using personality assessments to distinguish certain personality characteristics among sex offenders and how those characteristics relate to the age of the victims and the type of crime that is committed (non-touch, touch, or penetrative). It is important to understand an offender's personality, as well as any common characteristics that exist among sexual offenders as several aspects of treatment directly relate to areas in an offender's personality. For example lack of confidence or self esteem, lack of communication skills, lack of assertion, lack of empathy, lack of anger management tools and anxiety issues would correlate with treatment approaches such as enhancement of social skills, behavior modification, cognitive behavioral therapy and relapse prevention. Therefore in order to understand high-risk situations of potential offenders or re-offenders one must be able to understand the needs and motivations of that potential offender in an effort to direct treatment efforts appropriately.

About the Authors:

Cassandra L. Renzi, MCJ, holds a Master of Criminal Justice Degree and is a Clinical Member for the American Association of Correctional Psychology, the Florida School of Addiction Studies, and the Florida Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers. She also is an adjunct professor for the school of Criminal Justice at Daytona Beach Community College and works with the Daytona Beach and Deland Police Departments in screening potential officers for hiring. Ms. Renzi also works extensively with adolescents who have substance abuse issues.

eMail: cleartwo@msn.com

Toni Furbringer-Long, MSW, is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and belongs to the National Association of Social Workers. She is also certified as a Batterer's Intervention Assessor and Facilitator and as a Certified Sex Therapist. Ms. Furbringer-Long is involved in the teaching of organizations and professionals on the topics of addiction, sexuality, spirituality and cultural beliefs as they relate to violence and mental health issues.

Toni Furbringer-Long, MSW, LCSW, Longwood, FL (USA)
Tel. (001) 407-339-5213
email : mworker2@aol.com

Both presenters have been working with sex offenders since 1995; assessing, evaluating, and developing outpatient treatment programs in conjunction with the Florida Department of Corrections/Probation and Parole. Both are Ph.D Candidates with Maimonides University / American Academy of Clinical Sexologist, Diplomates of the American Board of Sexology, Clinical Members for the Association for Treatment of Sexual Abusers, and both hold Primary Certifications in REBT. zum Anfang